jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Roxana Blog 1

  • Write a paragraph (300 words) relating these words:  rapport, teacher`s roles, TTQ, TTT and STT. 

When we talk about teaching, we have to take into account some features: The roles of the teachers: Teachers should be able to adopt a variety of roles within the classroom which facilitate learning. Teachers need to switch between the various roles, judging when it’s appropriate. The different roles are: Facilitator ,Controller, Prompter,Participant, Resource and Tutor.  
 If the teachers wish to develop a good learning environment in the classroom, they need to establish an appropriate relationship with their students, called Rapport, that means the relationship that the students have with the teacher and vice versa.  So, we can say that teacher's roles are related to rapport, because all of them require an interaction between teacher and student.
Rapport also depends on the way that teachers interact with students. If the interaction isn`t working well, their ability to help students to learn will be seriously committed.
 But also, establish a relationship is important too.  On most training courses a distinction is made between student talking time (STT) and teacher talking time (TTT). The last is important,because talking is the better shape to be connected with the students . Also, TTT is related to the teacher's roles, like Resource, Participant and Tutor, because these roles require a connection between the teacher and students. It is the time that teachers spend talking in class, rather than learners. Also, the quality is important (TTQ). It is the quality of what we say that really counts. And as to when say it, that depends on how students fits in, to get a better result in the activities and all the other myriad aspects of the curriculum.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Roxana... Change the assignement as a heading... Why don´t you create a title?
